We went to the Toronto Jazz Festival in the Beaches the other day. I don't have a lot to say about it other than that the music was great and that it was fun. Next year I'll definitely return and spend more time there than I had this year.
Kaitlin and Garret (my kids) joined us there and Garret got bored of the music pretty quickly. I don't think it's a venue for children, unless they are fans of live music. But Kaitlin liked the music because she is musical herself. She sings and had spent the last few years in her school jazz band learning the saxaphone and the flute.
There were several bands playing - about 20 - and they were all awesome. The Latin bands were my favorite, but that's because I love Latin music. I will say though that I watched a lot of passers by start dancing when they were in the Latin section. It's infectious!!
Here are a few pictures, although they aren't the greatest. I wanted to get more shots of the "street food" but I was pressed for time. Maybe next year.

Hi Mark ... firstly, your kids are GORGEOUS ... and secondly, I wouldn't worry about them not being "thrilled" with the Jazz Fesitival experience ... you exposed them to some "musical culture" and that's always a start for their developing of their own "tastes" ... try exposing them to some "Smooth Jazz" it's not as "diverse" as the "traditional" and is "easier listening" ...
The pics are great ... all in all I'm certain the time spent together was cherished!
Thanks Monica! That means a lot coming from you; a mom with her own beautiful son. Yes, I think they are adorable and I love them to death. They are staying with me for 11 days right now and I'm trying to take them out here and there to see some of the sights of Toronto.
So far we took them to the Jazz Festival, the IMAX to see Batman, Playdium and out for dinner to a few places around town.
Tomorrow they are off to the circus and then on Saturday we're taking them to lazer tag and out to dinner. Not sure where yet.
Anyway...I love having them here with me.
As far as the Jazz goes, Kait likes it (Michael Buble is a favorite)and I was quite surprised at that. She has pretty good taste in music for someone her age and she is quite well rounded. Garret is still too young but I hope to influence him in his listening.
I love Jazz!!
Hope you are doing well!
beaches jazzfest is the BEST!
Fathead Smokin' Blues and R&B
Mum has it on her favorites "bookmarks"
Love you !
Hi Kait!!
Glad you like it!!! I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!
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