Here, I show the method used to make a ring of pomme gaufrettes. This is a potato I developed at another competition when I wanted a starch that would contain a fricassee of Chantrell mushrooms. This ring came to mind. I have never seen it anywhere else so I claim it as my own creation born out of necessity, however, somewhere I may have a comrade who has made this delicate potato ring as well. Regardless, it's a real showy spud.

Here I set the depth of the cut on the mandolin. The cut is a lattice chip potato that is classically known as "gaufrette."

Here I set the depth of the cut on the mandolin. The cut is a lattice chip potato that is classically known as "gaufrette."

Fine craft wire is used to hold overlapping gaufrettes tightly around a ring (in this case a tuna can) in preparation for deep frying.

The chips are laid over the can in an overlapping pattern. It is important to poke a hole in the side of the can and insert the end of the wire into the hole before this process otherwise the chips will fall when the can is rotated.

One by one, the chips are laid in place and held in place with the wire. Once the ring is complete, the wire is twisted tight to hold the gaufrettes in place.
That's ingenious! And the can doesn't burn? What type of oil and potato are you using?
A fan
Canola oil in a deep fryer. Actually, the first time I did these was in a large pot on the stove.
The can does not burn at all. There are a couple of things I neglected to mention in making this potato. But, that was intentional.
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