But this little label inspired Lola - my girlfriend - to paint a picture for our living room that has nothing to do with fighting. She did this for me because she knows I love bulls and because I have an interest in Latin culture and music.

I think she did a great job capturing the image and the spirit of El Toro, who dances, what I say, is most likely the Mambo.

Significant only to us, this picture means so much.

I sometimes feel as though I am like a bull and that's why I identify with him rather than with the matadore. It is truly better to be the matador because he and his team mates get so much glory. But the bull has such pride, determination and strength, and yet he stands alone. And, the bull fights honestly and in plain view, while the matador is deceptive, relying on others to wear the bull down for him before he can make an impressive kill with his hidden weapon.
Were it not for deception and the aid of others, the bull would always win the fight, for the matador is outmatched in strength, character and will. It's sad that the bull doesn't even realize how unfair the fight is for him as he enters the ring. He just lets his heart take him and he fights with passion and without fear. But...unfairness is the way of the world sometimes, isn't it? That's why I always cheer the underdog!

Were it not for deception and the aid of others, the bull would always win the fight, for the matador is outmatched in strength, character and will. It's sad that the bull doesn't even realize how unfair the fight is for him as he enters the ring. He just lets his heart take him and he fights with passion and without fear. But...unfairness is the way of the world sometimes, isn't it? That's why I always cheer the underdog!

Perhaps the "underdog" should "sharpen" his horns and prove to the Matador that he is the Champion ...
I agree with the unfairness here. It's like when they shoot animals for being "loose" in the suburbs (or worse ... in the woods).
Yes! So when the bullfighter gets a horn up the ass every now and then...it sets things right. But it doesn't balance the scales.
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