This is an eye of the round roast. Eye of the round is a cheaper cut of beef because it is tougher than more expensive cuts. Typically, eye of the round has to be tenderized and roasted no more than medium-rare in order to have any semblance of tenderness. Also, this is a good braising roast. I found this one on sale for a great price and thought I'd buy it to make goulash with.

As you can see there is a fat cap on the surface of the roast. This is perfectly fine, and leaving it there is fine if I were going to roast or braise the meat. But I want to cut the roast into thin strips known as "emince" in French cooking. So, I will remove the fat cap and clean the roast of connective tissue in order to prepare it for cutting.

You will also notice a "Y" shaped strand of connective tissue running through the roast. This can be removed because it is tough as well.

By inserting a boning knife under the fat cap and cutting along the length of the roast, the fat cap can be removed in long thin strips.

When you reach the end of the roast....

...insert the knife where you began and cut in the other direction.

By applying pressure to the fat cap behind the knife you will be able to force the knife along just under the fat cap and minimize the loss of any meat.

Continue to cut...

...and clean...

...and cut...

...and clean...

...until all of the fat cap is removed.

At this point the roast is ready for me to cut into an emince for the goulash.

This is the finished product, beef emince, ready to be made into goulash. Notice that emince is nothing more than thin, bite-sized strips of meat.
The post following this one will be where I show one method of making goulash.
i hope i'm not out of line for making this request but can you do an idiot's description for knives? i'm hopeless when it comes to using what knife for what cut of meat. and like, do i really need to spend over several hundreds of dollars for a decent knife? i'd really appreciate it and i'm sure i'm not the only one.
David C. Ontario
No, you certainly aren't out of line at all! Actually it's a great question.
The knives (tools) you will need in your kitchen depends on what kind of food you cook and what level of expectation you have for the finished product. If you are a serious cook with a lot of passion and will to be a great cook, you will want to buy good knives. And yes, good knives are expensive. But having said that...they will last forever too!
The basic knife set should include: one 12" chef's knife, one paring knife, one serrated bread knife and a good vegetable peeler. Also, one very good steel for sharpening is definitely required!!
That set would cost you about...$250.00 - $300.00. But you can get some pretty good knives for a little less.
A lit of people like Henckle knives. Personally, I don't. I find them bulky. I like Victoria Knox knives because they are lighter and they are excellent knives. They also cost less so that's good news for you.
Look around on line and you will see some good prices on knives. Or go to a kitchen supply store that services restaurants.
Good luck and I hope this helps!!
thanks a mil!
David C. Ontario
yo thanks, big ups!
interesting blog nice post on knives
what is the best knife for cutting tomatos? I probablly won't be cleaning an eye of the round...I more like a buy it in the grocery store and throw it in the fryer. Is there a type of meat cut that I should be looking for that is more ready to go? Would the butchers cut it like this or am I asking too much?
Lazy Chef
The best knife for cutting tomatoes would be a very sharp fillet knife or a French knife. Also, a serrated bread knife works very well.
Just get some cubed stewing beef and go from there. It will work well.
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